Monday, 23 April 2012

Grant of Transport Allowance to the Running Staff only taking into account pay plus 30% of pay

No. E(P&A) II-2011/RS-51
RBE No.5/2012
New Delhi, dated 17.04.2012
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.,
(As per mailing list No.I & II)

Sub: Grant of Transport Allowance to the Running Staff only taking into account pay plus 30% of pay.

One of the Zonal Railways had sought clarification whether 30% pay element is to be reckoned for the purpose of payment of Transport Allowance to Running Staff or otherwise.

2. The issue has already been considered and also discussed with the representatives of the Staff Side after the implementation of the Fifth CPC recommendations but was not agreed to. Therefore, it is clarified that 30% pay elements, is not to be reckoned for the  purpose of payment of Transport Allowance to Running Staff.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Salim Md.Ahmad)
Deputy Director /E(P&A)II,
Railway Board
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Revised rate of two additional increments of the Nursing Staff

S.No. PC-VI/286
No. PC-VI/2010/1/7/5/1
RBE No.33/2012
New Delhi, dated 14.03.2012
The GMs/CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Revised rate of two additional increments of the Nursing Staff.

The Nursing Staff holding B.Sc. Degree as additional qualification, appointed before 01.01.1996, were extended the benefit of two advance increments in terms of para 160 (2) (iii) of IREM Vol. 1. 1989 Edition. These are additional increments which are non-absorbable and are not treated as pay for the purpose of allowances. Further, instructions were issued in consultation with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide Board’s letter No. PC-V/2003/I/7/6/1 dated 28.02.2005 for continuation of the scheme and fixation of pay in the revised pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.1996.
2. Consequent upon implementation of revised pay structure of Nursing Staff after implementation of 6th CPC, it has been decided, in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to continue the scheme in the present format with the slight change that the increment to be granted will be 3% of the basic pay of the Nursing Staff concerned.

3. Only two additional non-absorbable increments are admissible to a Nurse in a particular grade where possession of such qualifications is not required as per Recruitment Rules.

4. The grant of the aforesaid increments is subject to the condition that the concerned Nursing Staff is not required to possess the qualification, for which the increment is claimed, as a condition of employment and that they have not been allowed a higher initial pay on account of the said qualifications prior to/on/or after 01.10.1986.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(M. Panda)
Joint Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board

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Sunday, 1 April 2012

Revised Train Fares for Journey in AC-First Class, AC-2 Tier, Executive Class & First Class from Tomorrow

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways

31-March-2012 15:27 IST

Revised Train Fares for Journey in AC-First Class, AC-2 Tier, Executive Class & First Class from Tomorrow
The Ministry of Railways has revised passenger fares with effect from tomorrow i.e. 1st April 2012 in AC-First Class, AC-2 tier, Executive Class and First Class only. There is no revision in other classes of travel. The revised fares in these classes would be applicable to all types of trains on Indian Railways network.
The revised fares will also apply to tickets issued in advance for journeys to commence on or after 1st April 2012. In the case of tickets already issued at pre-revised rates, the difference in fares from 1st April 2012 will be recovered from passengers either by TTEs in the trains or by the booking offices before commencement of the journey by the passengers as per the usual practice in case of such fare revisions.
The revised list of fares for the information of the public is being displayed at the stations and has been made available to the railway staff well in time. The revised passenger fare table is also available on the website of the Ministry of Railways i.e.
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