Thursday, 26 January 2012

Arrear amount for the loss of one increment, whose DNI falls between Feb-Jun before 6th CPC…

Arrear amount for the loss of one increment, whose DNI falls between Feb-Jun before 6th CPC
The approximate arrear amount calculation has been made for the loss of one increment in pre-revised scale, for those date of increment falls between Feb-Jun. The table express the total amount of arrear from 1.1.2006 according to the increment amount.
This is the general calculation for all Central Government employees, not included the Overtime, Incentive and other benefits.
75-(3050 - 4590)
100-(4000 - 6000)
125-(4500 - 7000)
150-(5000 - 8000)
175-(5500 - 9000)
200-(6000 - 9500)

this is a test message

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Grant of family pension to next eligible member in the family in the case of missing family pensioners

Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
Desk (E)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi — 03,
Dated the 2nd January, 2012
Office Memorandum
Sub: Grant of family pension to next eligible member in the family in the case of missing family pensioners.
The undersigned is directed to state that as per extant instructions of the Government, conditional provisions have been made in the case of a missing employee/pensioner, as a measure of social security, to cut short the period of 7 years, as given in Sections 107 and 108 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872, after which the presumption of a missing person being no longer alive may be raised, and enable the family pensioner to receive family pension after a period of six months from the date of filing FIR. However, there is no such provision in the case of a missing family pensioner that the next eligible member of the family of the employee/pensioner may be granted family pension.
2. The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has been receiving requests to issue a clarification whether family pension to eligible child / children of a family pensioner who has been declared missing can he granted.
3. The matter has been considered in this Department in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. It has been decided to make similar provisions to mitigate the hardships of the family caused by the deprivation of its rightful family pension as a consequence of disappearance of the family pensioner. The administrative Departments/ Ministries may grant family pension to the next eligible member in the family subject to fulfilment of conditions as prescribed from time to time for dealing with the cases of missing employees/pensioners.
4. The Indemnity Bond prescribed for missing pensioners has been suitably modified to include the name and relationship of the next eligible family member as well as the deceased employee/pensioner and the missing family pensioner(s).
5. These provisions would also be applicable in case a person. who is eligible for family pension, goes missing before the family pension is actually sanctioned to him/her. In such cases, family pension will be sanctioned to the next eligible person.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure vide their ID No.380/E.V/2011, dated 22.11.2011.

Date of next increment : National Anomaly Committee agenda item No.5(v) Has been Accepted…

Flash News...
National Anomaly Committee Decisions and Discussions…
Date of next increment : National Anomaly Committee agenda item No.5(v) :
The complete discussion points will be published shortly...

Feedback on the fourth meeting of the National Anomaly Committee

Feedback on the fourth meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 5.1.2012 in New Delhi. The official minutes of the meeting will be published shortly by Dopt.
The AIANGO (All India Association of Non-Gazetted Officers) General Secretary Shri.S.B.Chaubey, updates out come of the National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 5th January 2012. Some key points are appended in the meeting has uploaded in the official blog of AIANGO. We have reproduced the contents of the post and given below for your information...
1. Increment Anomaly Settled :As per the information received from NAC Members ,  In today’s National Anomaly Committee Meeting. The point of anomaly in increment between Jan to June has been settled. It has been decided to issue orders for one time correction. Orders may come soon.
2. Grant of financial up-gradation in the promotional hierarchy instead of Grade Pay hierarchy under the MACPS is under consideration: The required data on this subject was sent to DOP&T by MOD in Last weak of Dec/2011. This point was also discussed in today’s National Anomaly Committee Meeting but could not be decided. Point is under consideration and it will be again discussed in next NAC-Meeting. 
3. Grant of ACP to those who have completed 24 years before 01/01/2006 : As intimated vide previous circulars, earlier the file was not traceable in MOF(Expenditure). Now the case is traced and the same  is under consideration/process in MOF(Expenditure) for issue of clarification. 
4. Review DPC for promotion from CM – NT – OTS to JWM : OFB has committed to issue 120 promotions by 15th Jan/2012. ACR ratings of 120 ACRs of 120 CM/NT(OTS) has been asked from factories after meeting vide. DJWM-15 NT(OTS)/A/GB Dated. 28/12/2012. Letter and list is available in OFB-COMNET. All Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure that ACR Ratings of the individuals of each branch are sent to OFB by Factories at the earliest so that the promotions can be ordered by 15th Jan/2012. 
5. DPC for promotion JWM to AWM for Last three Consecutive Years : There was a query of MOD on Final DPC Papers for 100 promotions from JWM to AWM  submitted to MOD by OFB. OFB has clarified the same in first Weak of Jan/2011. Now the case is to be approved by the level of Jt. Secretary /LS(DDP) and to be submitted to UPSC for DPC. It may take maximum  02 months in issue of orders as per our assessment.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee–Dopt order

National Anomaly Committee meeting to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012. With detailed staff side members of various federations list has been enclosed with this order for your reference…
F.No.11/2/2008-JCA Vol.(II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(JCA Section)
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 2nd December, 2011
Subject: Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.
The undersigned is directed to say that the Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the Meeting.
2. Agenda papers for the meeting will be sent shortly.
3. It is requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. A line in confirmation may kindly be sent at the under mentioned email address also.
(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
Tel : 2309 2589
All Official and Staff Side members of the National Anomaly Committee as per list attached.
List of Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee
1. Shri.Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF,
42/13, Railway Quarters,
Malad (East),
Mumbai – 400 071.
2. Shri.S.G.Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF,
Gauri Niwas,
3. Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra,
General Secretary,
All India Railwaymen’s Federation,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055.
4. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President, AIRF,
5. Shri.Ch.Sankara Rao, Asst.General Secretary AIRF,
Railway Quarter No.566/3,
Rail Nilayam Colony,
Secunderabad 500071 (AP)
6. Shri.Guman Singh, President, NFIR,
B-9, Nand Puri Hawa Sarak,
7. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR,
Railway Quarter No.428/1,
Secunderabad – 500025 (AP)
8. Shri.R.P.Bharnagar, Working President, NFIR,
Railway Quarter No.F/3, Near Loco Workshop,
Parel, Mumabi-400012
9. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Vice President, NFIR,
Block No.112/6, Unit 2,
Garden Reach,
10. Shri.S.K.Vyas,
13-C, Ferozeshaha Road,
New Delhi-110001
11. Shri.R.Srinivasan, INDWF,
General Secretary,
No.6, 6th Streeet,
Vaishnavi Nagar,
Chennai - 600 109.
12. K.K.N.Kutty,
General Secretary,
All India Income Tax Employees Association
A-2/95, Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi - 110 027.
13. Shri.C.Srikumar,
General Secretary (AIDEF),
No.2 Valluvar Street,
Rani Anna Nagar,
Chennai - 600 106.

Book Your Train Reservation Ticket While on Move through Mobile

Ministry of Railways
Book Your Train Reservation Ticket While on Move through Mobile Phone
No Need to Carry Ticket Print-Out, Mere Display of Message on Mobile is Sufficient during Travel
To bring further convenience to the rail users, Indian Railways through Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railway, has been offering the service of booking e-ticket over the mobile phone. After initial registration and downloading of suitable software on the mobile handset with internet facility, it will be quite easy for the mobile users to book a reserve ticket through their own mobile. After booking, the passenger will receive a reservation message with full details of the ticket including PNR, Train No, date of journey, class etc. This virtual message would be treated at par with the print-out of the e-ticket which at present is taken out by the passengers and is known as Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS).  Hence, with the virtual message, passengers would not be required to take a print-out of e-ticket to be carried with them. Showing the reservation message of the confirmed ticket on their mobile during travel will be sufficient. The detail procedure of booking through mobile which is also available on the IRCTC website,   is as follows:-

·        Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) offers the service of booking electronic ticket (e-ticket) over the mobile to rail users.
·        IRCTC’s Mobile Rail Ticket booking services are based on the webservices model developed by IRCTC in order to enable the users of Mobile Phones to access the web based rail ticket reservation and enquiry services similar to
·        Application software has to be downloaded on to the mobile handset.  This software is provided by the respective service provider firms viz., NGPAY, PAYMATE and ATOM. The application can be downloaded from IRCTC website and also from various associates of IRCTC viz. NGPAY, ATOM, Paymate.  IRCTC is also likely to launch its mobile application shortly and the software will be downloadable from
·        These mobile applications are functional on most of the GPRS/Browser based mobile phones, from basic model to high end ones.
·        Internet is required on mobile phones to book tickets through mobile.
·        The Passenger has to register at the time of first transaction and thereafter book the ticket using his ID and password.
·        Whenever a passenger books a reserved ticket through Mobile phone, he will receive a message with full details of the ticket including PNR, Train No., date of journey, class, etc.  This virtual message would be treated at par with the print-out of the e-ticket which at present is taken out by the passengers and is known as Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS).  Hence, with this virtual message, passengers would not be required to have a printer with them to take a print-out of e-ticket to be carried with them.
·        The customer is charged ticket fare, IRCTC service charge and Agent service charge (Rs.10/- & Rs.20/- as per class of tickets) and applicable payment gateway charges.
·        The Service Charge is similar to e-tickets Rs.10/- for SL class and Rs.20/- for other higher class.
·        All the rules applicable to e-tickets are also applicable to the reserved tickets booked through Mobile phones except that in this case, the passenger can also show the virtual message received on mobile instead of carrying ERS.
·        More than a thousand users presently are availing this facility everyday.
this is a test message

Monday, 2 January 2012

Agenda Items for the meeting of National Anomaly Committee meeting (NAC)

Agenda items for the next meeting of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) to be held on 5th January, 2012.
The fourth meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the meeting.
Agenda items for the 4th meeting of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) to be held on 5.1.2012 has been uploaded on the official website of AIRF today, we have reproduced and given below the specific contents of the agenda items for your ready reference.
Item No.
Status till date
(after three meetings of NAC)
Item No.11Grant
Revised Allowances with effect from 1.1.2006.
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of NAC where the Staff Side stated that allowances formed part of wages AND THUS should be revised with effect from the same date from which Revised Pay Scales have been implemented i.e. 1.1.2006. The Official Side stated that the allowances, other than Dearness Allowance (DA), have been revised from 1.9.2008 on the basis of specific recommendation of the 6th CPC. It was reiterated that even after the 5th CPC similar practice was followed. Therefore, there was no anomaly as such. The Staff Side stated there are certain statutory allowances which need to be revised w.e.f.1.1.2006. The Staff Side was asked to forward such a list of statutory allowances for further examination of the Department of Expenditure. 
Item No.12
Item No.13
Transport Allowance
Increase of TA (Transport Allowance) at par with PB-3
The items 12 & 13 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of NAC where the Staff Side raised the following issues with respect to the revision of the Transport Allowance (TA) were raised.
(i) Employees with higher pay have been given rates of TA in comparison to low paid employees.
(ii) Uniform Multiplication factor has not been used for revision of TA of employees in various pay bands.
(iii) CCA has now been subsumed in TA, Therefore, a portion of TA should be used as a component for the purpose of computing Overtime Allowance.
(iv) Employees who remain on long tour duties are not getting any Transport Allowance while on tour for more than a month/several months losing even that part of Transport Allowance which represents CCA.
The Official Side stated that the multiplication factor used for revision of TA was actually skewed in favour of the low paid employees and there was no anomaly in the matter. The Staff Side pointed out that in order to have a realistic picture, the multiplication factor in respect to the revised TA rates vis-a-vis the earlier TA rates plus CCA should be examined.
The Staff Side was asked to forward the required calculations to the Department of Expenditure for examination. 
Regarding reckoning a portion of the TA for computation of the Overtime Allowance (OTA), the Official Side stated that the 6th CPC has in fact recommended for substitution of OTA with Performance Related incentive Scheme (PRIS), Therefore, the whole issue was not relevant now.
The Staff Side was asked to forward specific details of the matter to the Department of Expenditure for examination.
With respect to employees loosing the part of TA representing CCA while on tour for more than 15 days, the Official Side stated that the 6th CPC has given a specific recommendation to merge the CCA with TA and therefore, this could not be construed as an anomaly.
Item No.29
Item No.30
Revision of Base Index for DA

Bench Mark in AICPI Scheme for grant of DA / DR w.e.f. 1.1.2006 on CPC VI Level pay / Pension Restructuring. 

The items 29 & 30 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Staff Side pointed out some anomalies in decimal increases in percentage not being considered for sanction of DA/DR.
The Official Side stated there was no anomaly in the matter and that the fraction which was ignored earlier was taken into account while calculating the next DA instalment. Further fixation of the base has been done in the manner followed after previous Pay Commissions and there was no anomaly. Therefore, there was no question of any loss to the employees because of this.
The Staff Side would give detailed calculations in the matter to the Department of Expenditure for examination.
Item No.38
Item No.39
Anomaly in fixing Grade Pay
Anomaly due to not applying informally the multiplication factor of 1.86 in fixing the minimum pay in all the revised pay bands applying different.

The items 38 & 39 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Staff Side stated that the general recommendation of the 6th CPC was that the grade pay will be 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales. However, at the time of implementation of the recommendations of the 6th CPC, Government has given more than 40% as grade pay to certain categories of the employees in PB-3 and PB-4. Therefore, it was an anomaly and demanded that everyone should be given grade pay of at least 50% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales.
The Official Side stated that the 6th CPC itself recommended grade pay in excess of 40$ of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales in respect of certain employees. Further, in Para 2.2.21 the report of the 6th CPC, it has been clearly stated that in some cases, the amount of the grade pay has been adjusted so as to maintain a clear differential between successive grades pay. Thereafter, the government implemented the recommendations of the 6th CPC with certain conscious modifications in the Grade Pay in some cases. Moreover, the erstwhile Group D employees have also been granted grade pay exceeding 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales. Therefore, there is no anomaly in the matter.
It was decided that the Staff Side would revisit the issue and revert on whether they wish to pursue the matter.

Item No.44
Anomaly in the Pay Scale / Pay Band and Grade Pay of Library Information assistants
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that through a specific and conscious recommendation of Sixth pay Commission, the pay scales of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) have been upgraded and placed in PB-II with grade pay of Rs.4600. In this context, the Pay Commission has also clarified that on account of conscious upgradation, no other cadre can demand or can be granted higher pay scales. Therefore, Library Information Assistants cannot claim parity with TGTs.
The Staff Side stated that the School Librarians have also been placed in PB-II with the grade pay of Rs.4600 at par with the TGTs although there is no specific recommendation of the 6th CPC in this regard. The Library Information Assistants, who have the same qualifications as that of school librarians, have however been placed in PB-II with grade pay of Rs.4200. Thus, their is an anomaly with respect to grade pay of the Library Information Assistants.
The Official Side stated that the factual position was not known to them and therefore the Staff Side was called upon to apprise the Official Side of such Instances specifically.
Item No.45
Anomaly in Pension of those in receipt of stagnation increments in pre-revised pay scale.
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that this issue is somewhat related to the issue of granting one time increment to employees having their date of next increment between February 2006 to June 2006 under agenda item 5 (V), Accordingly, it was decided that the matter may be clubbed with agenda item 5(V) and the Staff Side was asked to confirm that their request for grant of an Increment in the pre-revised scale would not have repercussions on any other category and not lead to any further demands. 
Item No.46
Item No.49
Disparity in Pay scales and status :Officers in stenographers cadre. 
Anomalies in the matter of pay scales of Stenographers
The items 46 & 49 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that in para 3.1.14 of the 6th CPC’s Report a specific recommendation for PS/Sr. PS. In non-secretariat organizations has been made and the same has been accepted and notified by the Government. Further, posts that were existing in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 before 1.1.2006, including that of PS in field offices, have been upgraded to the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500 w.e.f. 1.1.2206 vide Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009. Therefore, suitable action has already been taken in the matter.
The Staff Side while agreeing with the Official Side stated they would check the position and revert back to the Official Side in case they feel that there were still any problems/difficulties in the matter. 
Item No.50
Anomalies in the Pay scales of official Language Staff
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the representative of the Department of Expenditure stated that orders were issued in November, 2008 regarding parity in the pay scales of OL posts in field officers and CSOLS and the matter has already been clarified by them on various references received in this regard from several administrative Ministries/Departments.
The Staff Side requested that the reference forwarded in this matter by the Ministry of Railways may be examined by the Department of Expenditure on a priority basis. This was agreed to by the Official Side. The Staff Side also mentioned that the parity in the pay scales in field and HQ is still to be granted in many offices including Ministry of Railways.
The Official Side requested the Staff Side to convey the names of such offices so that they could be called upon to take similar action in the matter. 

Fixation of Pay on Promotion or Upgradation as per Revised Pay Rules, 2008

Fixation of Pay on Promotion or Upgradation as per Revised Pay Rules, 2008
Many of our visitors are still asking some doubts pertaining the Fixation of Pay on Promotion or Upgradation. Particularly getting confusion in the calculation of annual and promotional increment and it will be rounded off.
Every Government employee has to submit an option when he gets promotion or upgradation. The option is under rule FR22(I)(a)(1) and the option have to submit within one month from the date of promotion or upgradation. When an employee accepts the promotion he will be asked to opt whether his pay will be fixed on the date of promotion or the date of next increment. His pay will be fixed as per the option has been exercised by him under rule FR22(I)(a)(1).
The Rule No.13 of CCS (Revised Pay-2008) says, “On promotion an employee will get one increment equal to three per cent of his basic pay (Pay in the pay band + Grade pay).
For illustration… If an employee opts to get his pay fixed in the higher post from the date of his promotion(1.12.2010), his pay will be fixed as follows…
His Basic pay on the date of promotion (as on 1.12.2010) :11,500 + 2,800 = 14,300
Adding of 3% of Basic pay as Promotional increment (rounded off to the next multiple of ten) :430 + 11,500 + 2,800 = 14,730
Promoted to in which Grade pay :4200
Pay will be fixed on the date of promotion (as on 1.12.2010) :11,930 + 4200 = 16,130
Date of next incrementon July 2011
On the date of next increment his pay will be i.e. 1st July 2011 : Adding of 3% of Basic pay as Annual increment (rounded off to the next
multiple of ten) :
490 + 11,930 + 4,200 = 16,620

For example, the same employee, if he gets his promotion on 1.2.2011, his basic pay will be calculated as follows…
He should be given his option to fix his pay under rule FR22(I)(a)(1) on the date of next increment.
His Basic pay on the date of promotion (as on 1.02.2011) :11,500 + 2,800 = 14,300
Adding only the next higher Grade pay in the promotional hierarchy :
The pay continues upto the date of next increment i.e., July, 2011
11,500 + 4,200 = 15,700
On the day of next increment the pay will be refixed (as on 1.07.2011) :
Adding of 3% of Basic pay as Promotional increment (rounded off to the next multiple of ten) :
11,500 + 2,800 + 430 = 14,730
On the day of next increment the pay will be refixed (as on 1.07.2011) :
Adding of 3% of Basic pay as Annual increment (rounded off to the next multiple of ten) :
11,930 + 2,800 + 450 = 15,180
His pay will be on 1.07.2011 :td>
12,380 + 4,200 = 16,580

When calculate the annual or promotional increment to an employee, there should be a rule should follow as per the office memorandum (F.No.1/1/2008-IC
/ published by Finmin dated on 29.01.2009 . The rule says, “

if the amount of increment comes to Rs.1900.70 paise, then the amount will be rounded off to Rs.1900; if the amount of increment works out to be
Rs.1901, then it will be rounded off to Rs.1910″.
Normally, the fraction of 50 paise and above to be rounded to one rupee and fraction of less than 50 paise to be ignored. But whereas here, the
fraction of 90 paise will be ignored and one rupee and above will be rounded off to ten rupees.

Cancel Train Reservation Ticket even after Chart Preparation

                                                     indian rail logo
Do you know it’s possible to Cancel Train Railway Reservation Ticket Online even after chart has been prepared? A Train Ticket, whose chart has been prepared, can be very easily cancelled by filing a TDR in indian railway .

In this Post, let’s check out in details How to Cancel a Train Reservation Ticket Online once the chart has been prepared? – Applicable only for Indian Railways

What is TDR?

TDR stands for Ticket Deposit Receipt. If any traveller is unable to perform train journey because of any of the following reasons:
  • Train Cancelled By Railways and Passenger Not Travelled.
  • Train running Late by More than Three hours.
  • Difference of Fare in case proper coach not attached.
  • AC Failure
  • Travelled without proper ID proof
  • Wrongly charged by TTE
  • Party partially travelled
  • Passenger Not travelled
Than he/she is entitled to get a refund from Indian Railways (provided that he/she actually got a Reservation Ticket in the Train for which he/she is filing TDR)

Rules for filing TDR

Note: The TDR Rules/Refund Rules/TDR Filing Procedure etc. mentioned in this post is for information purpose only and these may change over time, it’s recommended that you should also check Official TDR Page of IRCTC before filing TDR. In Case, you need help you should Contact IRCTC, not us.
Following are the official rules which you should know before filing TDR:
  • The TDR Refund will be processed as per Extant Indian Railway Rules
  • TDR must be filed within 30 Days of Departure of Train
  • The refund process may take up to 90 days or more
  • TDR for e-ticket can be filed online only
  • For i-Ticket, you’ve to surrender the i-ticket to station master and obtain Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) from him. Now you have to mail your claim along with Original Copy of TDR to the address mentioned in THIS PAGE
  • IRCTC will process the refund claim with the Railway Administration and refund granted by the Railway shall be credited to your account.
  • Refund claims under above clause may require at least 90 days or more for processing.

Refund Rule

  • In case the train is cancelled by Indian Railway due to accidents, breaches or floods, Bandh or Rail Roko agitation etc. – full refund of the fare of entire booked journey will be granted. Online cancellation can be done up to 72 hours.
  • In case the train is running late more than 3 hours- full fare will be refunded.
  • In case proper coach is not attached – Difference of fare between the booked class and lower travelled class will be refunded. Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the lower class travelled is must to claim for refund.
  • a. In case of AC failure of AC1 class/Executive class- Difference of fare between AC1 class or Executive class and First Class will be refunded for the distance AC not worked. Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the AC not worked is must to claim for refund.
    b. In case of AC failure of AC2/AC3 class- Difference of fare between AC2/AC3 class and Sleeper Class will be refunded for the distance AC not worked. Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the AC not worked is must to claim for refund.
    c. In case of AC failure of AC chair car class- Difference of fare between AC chair car class and second class will be refunded for the distance AC not worked. Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the AC not worked is must to claim for refund.
  • In case Travelling without proper ID proof-will be considered without ticket and will be charged accordingly. Chief Commercial Manager/Refunds can be approached for discretionary refund. Excess fare ticket (EFT) (in original) issued by the TTE is must to claim for refund.
  • In case of wrongly charged by the TTE-full refund will be granted by the Chief Commercial Manager/Refunds. Excess fare ticket (EFT) (in original) issued by the TTE is must to claim for refund.
  • In case party/ family partially travelled- refund will be granted by the Chief Commercial Manager/Refunds as per rule. Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the less passenger travelled is must to claim for refund.
  • In case passenger not travelled- refund will be granted by the Chief Commercial Manager/Refunds as per extant Railway rule. Partially used reserved ticket by Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Jan Shatabadi Express – No refund will be given
  • In case Indian Railways is not able to provide accommodation – full refund will be granted.
  • Refund on Tatkal Ticket- if it is cancelled up to 24 hrs before the scheduled departure of the train 25% excluding the Tatkal charges will be refunded. Thereafter there would be zero refund.
    Note-Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the AC not worked or Excess fare ticket (EFT) (in original) issued by the TTE for wrongly charged or Certificate from the TTE (in original) for the less passenger travelled may be submitted to the following address along with the application to claim for refund
    Indian Railway Catering & Tourism, Corporation Ltd.,
    Internet Ticketing Center,
    State Entry Road,
    New Delhi – 110 055.
    In case of any problem in e-ticket TDR filing, you can mail to

How to File TDR?

Filing TDR Online is very easy and can be done in a matter of some clicks. All you need is to follow the steps mentioned below:
Note: Filing Fraudulent TDR is illegal. Strict Legal Consequences will be taken by Indian Railwaysagainst the offender. So, it’s recommended that you should not file false TDR in any way.
1. Login to your IRCTC Account using THIS LINK
2. As soon as you are logged in to your Account, click on My Transactions in the Left Sidebar >> Click onFile TDR. You’ll see a list of all Train Tickets whose Date of Journey has been elapsed:
file tdr
3. Now you have to Select the PNR Number of your Train for which you want to file TDR. After selection, click on File TDR Button (See Screenshot above)
4. In the Next Page, you have to select the Passenger Name for claiming TDR Refund. Once selected, you have to select appropriate reason for your TDR using the Drop Down Menu. In case you select Others in the option, than you will have to all the details for your TDR:
submit TDR
Once you have selected the Passenger Name and appropriate Reason, click on Submit Button
5. A NOTIAFITION will pop-up asking you to confirm your TDR Submission, click on OK Button to proceed, else click Cancel if you want to make any changes in the previous steps:
tdr confirmation
7. Once you click OK, a Successful TDR Entry Confirmation Page will be displayed.

How to View/Check your TDR Status?

1. Click on My Transactions in the Left Sidebar >> Then Click on TDR History:
tdr history
2. Either Enter the PNR Number in the Search Box or Select the PNR Number from the list displayed and then click on  CHEAK STATUS Button:
tdr status
3. Your TDR Status will be displayed in the immediate next page
Note: The TDR Rules/Refund Rules/TDR Filing Procedure etc. mentioned in this post is for information purpose only and these may change over time, it’s recommended that you should also check Official TDR Page of IRCTC before filing TDR. In Case, you need help you should Contact IRCTC, not us.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Expected Dearness Allowance


Expected DA from Jan 2011
Perhaps it is very early to calculate the status of  additional Dearness allowance from January, 2012 for Central Government employees and Pensioners, before releasing the AICPIN for the balance of three months i.e.October, November and December. Enquiries are being poured as comments and received emails to our inbox about the expected DA from Jan, 2012. We can assume that the AICPIN will certainly go up, because of the essential commodities prices are going high with non stop. Anyway we can assume the additional Dearness allowance from January 2012 will be minimum 7%. The existing Dearness allowance is 58%, it will become as 58% + 7% = 65%.

Dearness Allowance close contact with AICPIN
     We are all well known that the Dearness allowance calculation is based on All India Consumer Price Index numbers. AICPIN has been published by Labour Bureau in every month,and an attached office of the Ministry of Labour & Employment...

History of Dearness Allowance
     Dearness Allowance is compensatory part of wages. In India, DA is being paid since the Second World War. During the War, DA became payable at various rates. It became payable as a result of different costs of living in different cities not known to each other...
Expected da from July 2011
     We feel features, expectations and calculations are on the forefront for most of the central government employees regarding the additional Dearness Allowance from July, 2011 to be announced soon....

Dearness Allowances as per 4th cpc
     Rates of Dearness Allowances as per 4th Central Pay Commission for our regular visitors demanding to publish...

Clarification on increase in certain allowances 25%
     Enhancement in Dearness Allowance to 51%, limits on reimbursement of Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy shall go up by 25% w.e.f. 1st January, 2011. DOP&T vide Office Memorandum No.12011/01/2011-Estt.(Allowance) dated 04-05-2011...

Likely Dearness Allowance for July 2011 for Central Employees
     Though it is very early to predict the D.A. for July 2011 at this point of time, we are being flooded by queries in this relation. It may be realized that D.A. is complete based on arithmetical calculation on All India CPI (IW) (Base 2001=100), the data for the entire six months is required to calculate...

Expected Dearness Allowance from July-2011 
      Apart from annual increment, which falls in 1st July every year, all the Government Employees are very much excited to know the rate of Dearness Allowance from 1st July 2011.The reason for their excitement to know the D.A from July 2011 is quite simple...

Expected Dearness Allowance from 1.7.2011 
      After the implementation of Dearness allowance w.e.f January, 2011, all are looking for the next Dearness allowance which should be implemented from July, 2011. As per the 6th Central Pay Commission, all Central Government Employees get Increment from the month of July every year...

Expected DA from 1st July, 2011 
       Dearness Allowance has turned out to make great impact among Central Government employees..! As of now, it cannot be ruled out that the Dearness Allowance is making great impact on central and state government employees in large numbers....

Rates of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01-01-2011 to the Railway employees continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5th CPC.     Revising rates of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01-01-2010 and 01-07-2010 in respect of Railway Servants who Continue to draw their pay and emoluments in the pre-revised scales of pay (5th CPC Scales), the rates of Dearness Allowance ....
Clarification on increase in certain allowances by 25%  
      The annual ceiling limit for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance shall be Rs.15,000/- per child. Accordingly, the quarterly claim could be more than Rs.3750/- in one quarter and less than Rs.3750/- in another quarter subject to the annual ceiling of Rs 15,000/- per child....

Bankers likely to get 3.15% D.A. from May 2011 onwards.
      There is a possibility of 3.15% [21 slabs]increase in D.A. for Bank employees for May, June and July 2011. The exact increase for DA cannot be given at this stage as GOI has yet to announce the CPI for the month of March, 2011....

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees      Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised rates with effect from 01-01-2011...
Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations 
     Wherein the rates of DA payable to the employees who are following CDA pattern has been indicated. The DA payable to the employees may be enhanced from the existing rate of 45% to 51% with effect from 01.01.2011. ...

DA to the Central Autonomous Bodies 
      Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2011 to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5th CPC. ...


     The Union Cabinet committee today decided to increase the Dearness Allowance by 6% to Central Government employees. Hike in the Dearness Allowance (DA) will be from 45% to 51% w.e.f.January 2011. ..

4th Meeting of National Anomaly Committee

The next meeting of National Anomaly Committee will be held on 5th January, 2012.
The last, third meeting of National Anomaly Committee held on 15th February 2011 in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Personnel). The list of participants who attended the third meeting of the National Anomaly Committee as follows...
1. Shri.U.M.Purohit, Secretary (Staff Side)
2. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Member
3. Shri.R.P.Bhatnagar, Member
4. Shri.Guman Singh, Member
5. Shri.C.Srikumar, Member
6. Shri.S.K.Vyas, Member
7. Shri.R.Srinivasan, Member
8. Shri.K.K.N.Kutty, Member
9. Shri.S.G.Mishra, Member
10. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Member
An important Office Memorandum[F.No.11/2/2008-JCA Vol.(II) dated 2.12.2011] has been issued by the Department of Personnel and Training regarding the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.
The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the meeting. The Agenda points for the meeting will be published shortly.
The list of Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee as follows...
1. Shri.U.M.Purohit, President, AIRF, 42/13, Railway Quarters, Malad (East), Mumbai - 400 071.
2. Shri.S.G.Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF, Gauri Niwas, Mavaiya, Lucknow.
3. Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi - 110055.
4. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President, AIRF, P.O.Bongaigaon, Distt.Bongaigaon, Assam.
5. Shri.Ch.Sankara Rao, Asst.General Secretary AIRF, Railway Quarter No.566/3, Rail Nilayam Colony, Secunderabad 500071 (AP)
6. Shri.Guman Singh, President, NFIR, B-9, Nand Puri Hawa Sarak, Baisgodam, Jaipur-302019.
7. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR, Railway Quarter No.428/1, Chilkdlguda, Secunderabad - 500025 (AP)
8. Shri.R.P.Bharnagar, Working President, NFIR, Railway Quarter No.F/3, Near Loco Workshop, Parel, Mumabi-400012
9. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Vice President, NFIR, Block No.112/6, Unit 2, Garden Reach, Kolkata-43
10. Shri.S.K.Vyas, 13-C, Ferozeshaha Road, New Delhi-110001